Well-being at work

Le bien-être au travail

After exploring the themes of 'self-care' and 'organizational burnout' in 2022, we are completing this trilogy of articles by addressing well-being at work. The content gathered for the writing of this summary comes from two RRV (Networking, Recharging, Valuing) Days, held on October 19 and 26, 2023, by the Dufresne and Gauthier Foundation. During this workshop on well-being at work, we offered artistic, playful, and caring workshops to help participants step out of their comfort zones, as well as a clinic of best practices exploring three areas: 1) navigating uncertainty at work, 2) reaffirming meaning at work, 3) work rituals to recharge. About sixty people shared their reflections on these areas.

Consult the full summary here:

** Content available in french only

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L'épuisement organisationnel
Naviguer dans la complexité du changement