Valérie Plouffe
Executive Director
Trained in the psychology of communication at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Valérie has worked for more than fifteen years in the community sector. It is first of all group animation and processes of change that challenge him, then social development and intersectoral action within the round tables of the East of Montreal.
Mobilization agent for ten years within a local consultation in early childhood, she knew how to develop her knowledge of community organizations and their daily reality. She knows how to take advantage of citizen participation and the collective intelligence of community stakeholders in the service of impactful projects. She recently completed graduate studies at the University of Quebec in Montreal in the management of social and collective enterprises.

Rose Rodrigue
Organization services coordinator
Working professionally with human beings for several years, the constant need for new challenges and his curiosity about the current issues of our society led him to continue his studies in project management, and at the same time, to begin his bachelor's degree in sustainable development of the territory, organizational management profile.
Nourished by this knowledge of the territory of Quebec and by her involvement in the community environment of the Quebec region for several years, various roles that have enabled her to acquire skills that will allow her to contribute to the reflections and action plan of the Foundation on the social and environmental issues that concern us. It aspires to major projects of action and social mobilization to build a future radiant with possibilities for everyone. She is driven by the idea of being able to take part in the development of a society through collective mobilization.

Dulmaa Luvsansharav
Program Coordinator for Mongolia
With a master's degree in science and engineering, Dulmaa began her career in the textile industry. However, as Mongolia experienced significant political changes including the transition to a free market economy, Dulmaa's career took an unexpected turn. She begins to get involved in the social development of families and children, a field of activity that brings her great satisfaction.
Dulmaa worked notably for Save the Children UK in Mongolia, where she acquired good experience in humanitarian aid. Now coordinator of FDG programs in Mongolia, she identifies and supports projects that ensure the well-being and development of children at risk, by giving them access to educational activities and opportunities that allow them to reach their full potential. It also promotes partnerships between organizations supported by FDG in order to create an effective network dedicated to the protection of children's rights and the improvement of their living conditions.